
Renowned Instructors

Mark Sieracke, PE

Mark Sieracke, PE

Weaver Consultants Group

Course: CQA of Geosynthetic Installation & GCL/CCL, Nov 5 – 6

Meet Him: Nov 4 at the Welcome Reception

Bio: Mr. Siearcke is a recognized expert in the fields of landfill design and CQA. He has served as a Technical Reviewer of the US EPA Technical Guidance Document: Quality Assurance and Quality Control for Waste Containment Facilities.

Richard Thiel, PE

Thiel Engineering


Course: Interface Friction / Direct Shear and Slope Stability Issues, Nov 5 – 6

Meet Him: Nov 4 at the Welcome Reception

Bio: For more than 30 years, Mr. Thiel has provided one of the most respected voices in containment design applications for geotechnical projects, waste containment, secondary containment of fuel, and leach mining applications.

George Koerner, PE

Geosynthetic Institute (GSI)

Course: Strategic Application of Geosynthetic Specifications, Nov 5 – 6

Meet Him: Nov 4 at the Welcome Reception

BioDr. Koerner has been a field leader for decades in CQA and the development of geosynthetic specifications and guidelines that provide avenues for standardization. He leads the highly impactful GCI-ICP program.

Dr. Jeffrey Kuhn, PE

Jeffrey Kuhn, PE

TRI Environmental

Courses: (1) CQA of Geosynthetic Installation & GCL/CCL, Nov 5 – 6; and (2) Interface Friction / Direct Shear and Slope Stability Issues, Nov 5 – 6.

Meet Him: Nov 4 at the Welcome Reception

BioBased in Austin, Dr. Kuhn is the Geotechnical Laboratory Director for TRI. His clays expertise was utilized in the design and installation of Austin’s F1 race track–built on expansive clays with tight differential movement criteria.

Tamara Tuttle

Atlas International Consulting

Course: Sales & Marketing of Geosynthetics in Infrastructure, Nov 7 (Half Day)

Meet Her: Nov 4 at the Welcome Reception

Bio: Ms. Tuttle is an international business consultant with deep experience in geosynthetics. Her work has involved clients in 100+ countries and more than USD $60 million in revenue for manufacturers, contractors, and other industry partners.

Sam Allen

Sam Allen

TRI Group

Courses: (1) CQA of Geosynthetic Installation & GCL/CCL, Nov 5 – 6; and (2) Sales & Marketing of Geosynthetics in Infrastructure, Nov 7 (Half Day)

Meet Him: Nov 4 at the Welcome Reception

Bio: Mr. Allen is President of the TRI Group and, alongside Mr. Sieracke, has continually developed and anchored the CQA course for 20 years. He is the elected President of the International Geosynthetics Society (IGS).